In the Prince of Tides Tolitha traveled and wrote letters to the family. The Wingo family is a family in conflict. I think that if the mom and dad appreciated what they had then they wouldn't have had all the problems. The mom wants to be a part of a woman's group so badly she tries to get into their cook book. The father left to try and get work and ended up in jail. The family started to lose money and had to put every cent they had on the fishing boat payments.Soon they were left with no power in their house. So the woman's club brought them a turkey for Thanksgiving. The mother didn't want to take it because she was embarressed. So she and her kids kicked the ladies out of their house. The woman asked Lila (the mother) to turn on a light because they said they couldn't see her, but they knew she had no power. Eventually, the women left putting the turkey on the lawn. The mother was humiliated and very upset. She shot the turkey with a shotgun instead of cooking it for her family. The kids were always trying to comfort their mother and father about things like this.When their father returned home he brought the kids to the fair. It was a disaster as usual. They saw a tiger bite a seal's head off. I guess the lion never ate that day. Their father decided to buy the lion and bring it home. Not only was the mother mad about that, she was even madder when she found out his plan was to use the tiger to promote their new gas station. The tiger stayed and Luke was the only one it would let near it. But in the end that foolish decision to buy a tiger ended up saving the lives of Lila and the children when three escaped prisoners showed up on their island. Luke set the tiger on the men to save his family.